Here Are Our Latest Projects

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    Established brand. Complex projects. Explosive growth.

    Tom Thrasher

    “Miami is such a dynamic place to work and build. It’s really a catalyst to bring people together and has become a hub for Suffolk’s South region.”

    Tom Thrasher

    • Address icon
      Address One Biscayne Tower, Suite #2700, 2 South Biscayne Boulevard
      Miami, FL 33131
      United States
    • Telephone icon
      Telephone 305-374-1107
    • Trade Partner Bids & Prequalification icon
      Trade Partner Bids & Prequalification Jessica Snyder [email protected]
    • Business Development icon
      Business Development Contact Andrew Frank [email protected]

    Meet some of our Miami team

    We believe in the power of people. And our people are driven to transform skylines in Miami and make their mark on the industry.

    Culture in Miami

    While Suffolk’s culture is consistent and strong throughout our entire organization, each Suffolk office has a unique vibe and diverse people who are passionate about their city and excited to work together. Life at Suffolk

    • Innovation

      Inno Fire Awards 2024: The companies setting South Florida ablaze

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    • People & Culture

      2024 Prestigious Women Awards Honoree: Elizabeth Lamborghini

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    • Sustainability

      Table of Experts: Women leaders in construction discuss sustaining South Florida’s future

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    • Sustainability

      This Earth Day, let’s shine a spotlight on South Florida innovators building a greener world

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    Latest News

    What’s new in Miami

    Our people are dedicated to finding solutions to every challenge. That spirit makes for some great stories.

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