Here Are Our Latest Projects

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Unleash the power of technology


    A pioneering approach

    Suffolk is at the forefront of game-changing innovations that are impacting the world and changing the ways we build.

    A dedicated data team
    Leveraging data to drive business decisions

    7 CoLabs nationwide
    Powering jobsite innovation

    Suffolk Technologies
    Investing in and partnering with tech startups

    Redefine what’s possible with data

    Break through barriers in our CoLabs

    Inside the CoLabs

    This is a 360-degree image of a Suffolk CoLab. Use your mouse to click and drag to the right and left to navigate around the CoLab. Click on a technology within the image to learn more about how it drives innovation in the space.

    Transform the built world with Suffolk Technologies

    See our innovation in action


    By the Numbers

    • Innovation

      Inno Fire Awards 2024: The companies setting South Florida ablaze

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    • Innovation

      AI is up in your business

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    • Innovation

      Suffolk Hosts Ace Mentor Students to Teach Careers in Construction and Advanced Construction Technology

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    • Innovation

      How We See Around Corners on Federal Design-Build Projects

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    Latest News

    Innovation: What’s new

    Our people are dedicated to finding solutions to every challenge. That spirit makes for some great stories.

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