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1629 Market Street

San Francisco, CA

    Project Overview

    This mixed-use development consists of three 9-story residential buildings with approximately 443 apartment units over a shared below-grade parking garage.

    The project includes 15,000 square feet of amenity space and common areas, 13,000 square feet of street-level retail space, and 23,400 square feet of privately-owned public open space.

    The project also includes demolition of the existing Local 38 Pipefitters Union Hall and construction of a new 30,000 square-foot replacement Union Hall on the site. Strada subsequently awarded Suffolk the adjoining 53 Colton Street project, which will include 100 affordable housing units managed by Community Housing Partnership.

    The project site is located directly over transit lines and the new central plaza is intersected by an immovable ventilation shaft which will be transformed into a sculptural centerpiece with a geometric metal exoskeleton. Other features of the new public open space include extensive landscaping and hardscaping, play structures, and other recreational components. The complex features multiple interior passageways flanked by a variety of facade treatments, creating a welcoming residential feel. Retail storefronts will wrap the outer edges of the complex, activating the block and connecting the development with the surrounding community.

    • Residential icon
      Sectors Residential
    • owner icon
      Owner Strada Investment Group
    • architect icon
      Architect BDE Architecture; Form 4 Architecture
    • square icon
      Square Feet 600,000